Featured Educator
Gerald Chung
School: Bev Facey High School, AB
Memorable quote:
“ICT – preparing our students for the skills necessary to compete in the global economy.”

Gerald's Story
What are your thoughts surrounding ICT in Education?
It should become an integral part of all curricula. It should be promoted in Canadian classrooms
and be available to all students.
How did you get involved with FIT?
I attended a one day workshop at a Calgary high school. There I found out about the Cisco
Academy and how my computer science courses teaching Java aligned with the FIT outcomes
and objectives.
What is the value of teaching ICT skills?
It prepares students for the work place and creates an interest in IT.
How do you incorporate FIT into your curriculum?
Technology skills are taught in all my courses including marketing and financial management.
Why would you promote other teachers getting involved with FIT?
This would reach a larger audience of prospective students who are studying other areas of the
How has FIT benefitted your students?
[FIT] Students acquire skills necessary for post-secondary studies and chosen career paths.
There is also an opportunity for certification that is recognized worldwide.
What is your background with ICT?
I have taught the Cisco Academy curriculum for the past three years. I have also been teaching
Advanced Placement Computer Science for 15 years.
Where would you like to see ICT in the future?
I would like to see it promoted in all subject areas. I would also encourage educators to promote
in their specific IT areas.
Why do you think ICT is education is beneficial for Canadian industries?
It is preparing students and getting them to acquire skills necessary for the global market place.
How do you promote the FIT program to prospective students?
We use brochures, newsletters, word of mouth and the web to make them [students] aware of
the opportunities of this program.
Memorable Quote:
“ICT – preparing our students for the skills necessary to compete in the global economy.”