Resources by Region
Local Work Placement Information
We aim to provide our educators with the latest information regarding co-op and work placement experiences for students.
Please note these are third-party resources that are not monitored by FIT and ICTC, as such, we cannot be held accountable for the information they contain.
Government of Yukon: Co-op Education Program
Northwest Territories and Nunavut
Internship Program for Northern Graduates
Summer Student Employment Program
British Columbia
British Columbia: Program Guide for Ministry-Authorized Work Experience Courses
British Columbia: Program Guide for Secondary School Apprenticeship
The government of Alberta’s site for off-campus education includes; materials, information and resources for teens, educators, and parents
University of Alberta: Co-ops, Internships, and Work Experience programs
Alberta School of Business: Co-op information for students and employers
Government of Saskatchewan: Internship and co-operative education information page
Co-op Students Hiring Incentive
Co-operative Education Program Registry (PDF)
Manitoba Hydro: Co-operative Education Program
Ministry of Education: Information on cooperative education
Ministry of Education: General resources on cooperative education
Ministry of Finance: Information on cooperative education tax credit for employers
University of Ottawa: Information on co-op programs for students and employers
(French language) Quebec-Canadian Association for Co-operative Education (ACDEC): For Quebec educators or organizations who practice cooperative education through the training of students
New Brunswick
NB-TAP: New Brunswick Teen Apprentice Program
Government of New Brunswick: Student-SEED-Co-op Work term information
Student Checklist Toward Completion of credits for co-op 120 (PDF)
Student Interview Sheet for teachers (pre-co-op assessment) (PDF)
Homeroom teacher student assessment form (for co-op qualification) (PDF)
Student Co-op handbook and parent consent form (PDF)
Prince Edward Island
Government of Prince Edward Island: Co-operative education curriculum for senior high school (PDF)
Nova Scotia
Government of Nova Scotia: General information on co-operative education in NS
Student Summer Skills Incentive