Connect to Employers

Selecting an Employer

Care must be taken by the work experience coordinators in securing appropriate work placements. An appropriate employer has an established reputation in the community, is actively interested in providing a positive, safe and caring learning experience for the student, and allows for progressive development of occupation-related knowledge and skills.

A suitable candidate:
  • is enthusiastic about being involved in the program.

  • provides a positive, safe and caring working environment for the student and meets the requirements of related legislation, regulations, codes and policies (e.g. Provincial School Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act, Workers’ Compensation Board in each province).

  • orients the student to proper safety practices and ensures that the student understands and will comply.

  • explains carefully all procedures to the student.

  • helps the student feel like part of the work team.

  • offers work that is consistent with the student’s ability.

  • makes allowances for any student limitations.

  • works with the work experience coordinator and the student to improve the level of learning.

  • assigns a supervisor to the student who provides effective and appropriate supervision.

  • completes the necessary forms provided by each school district and/or provincial department of education.

    How to find Employers

    1) Obtain membership lists of industry, business, professional or trade organizations, service clubs and volunteer agencies.

    2) Check business, industry and social agency directories.

    3) Check business and telephone directories.

    4) Contact work placement employers previously used by the school.

    5) Ask employers to recommend other employers.

    6) Become active on any education committees of local business or industry groups, e.g. Chamber of Commerce.

    7) Write an article for the school or district newsletter seeking prospective employers.

    8) Ask school staff, friends, neighbours, relatives and past or present students for contacts.

    9) Explore the surrounding area near the school or on local bus routes to obtain names and locations of potential employers.

    10) Survey selected organizations by mail.

    Recruiting an Employer

    Do your research

    Before attempting to recruit a prospective employer, it is recommended to find out some information about the business, its services and/or products. Dropping in on a prospective employer without prior knowledge or planning is not recommended.

    Be prepared

    Once a potential employer is identified, the work experience coordinator should make an appointment to visit in person.

    A well-planned and organized recruitment visit is essential in order to provide the employer with information about the program, to obtain information on the suitability of the work site, and to gain commitment from the employer.

    The First Visit to an Employer

    Talk to the right person

    After contacting the prospective employer, make an appointment for an interview with an appropriate representative in the organization.

    Go prepared

    Take a program package to the interview and present it to the employer’s representative. Whether this package is in the form of a flyer, a brochure or a group of documents in a file folder, it should include a:

    • description of the program.
    • copy of the student’s schedule.
    • list of the student’s responsibilities.
    • list of the supervisor’s responsibilities.
    • list of the work experience coordinator’s responsibilities i.e. Schedule of educator site visits.
    • copy of the work agreement or contract.
    • sample learning plan or proposed list of learner expectations co-op/work Experience.
    Work experience student and employer plan