Focus on IT

MyFIT Students

Educator with group of students.

What is MyFIT?

Middle Years Focus on IT (MyFIT) is a program designed for Canadian middle school students who want to learn real-world skills.

The program was created by the Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC). It is an exciting program that allows students like YOU to expand your understanding of technology and build the skills you will need for the future.

With MyFIT, you will learn real-world digital and ICT (information and communications technology) skills that you can use in secondary school and even in your future career, whatever direction that takes.

Why Become a FIT Student?

No matter what your interests are, everyone can benefit from gaining ICT and digital skills.

All kinds of careers are becoming more and more dependent on technology, from medicine to manufacturing, from energy to agriculture.

Starting to learn digital and ICT skills now will help you in secondary school and whatever you decide to do afterwards!

It’s never too soon to start exploring your interests.

Circuitry icon.

Girls in ICT

The time when some things were for boys and some things were for girls is over. Today, we have equal opportunity. Learning ICT skills is just a matter of learning how to make the steps towards a solution. And that is empowering to everyone.

View Girls in ICT