Featured Educator

Bethany MacLeod

School: Montague Regional High
Memorable quote: “So many careers today require people to have computer skills. Our industries are constantly becoming more and more technologically advanced, so we need to provide our students with the necessary skills.”


Bethany's Story

What are your thoughts surrounding ICT in Education?
I believe a greater focus on information technology is very beneficial to our students and their future educational success. Our society is constantly changing, and demands for the IT industry are increasing daily.

How did you get involved with FIT?
I have been teaching career education and business administration courses for the past 10 years. It seemed like a good “fit” for me to promote this with my students.

What is the value of teaching ICT skills?
I believe it provides students with more options for future career decisions.

How do you incorporate FIT into your curriculum?
Students are informed about FIT and how it can benefit them. Also, various course components require students to complete certain tasks to attain FIT certification. For example, in Career Futures and Career Explorations, students are required to complete a Lifework portfolio which showcases skills and helps to identify career goals and interests.

Why would you promote other teachers getting involved with FIT?
It helps to have more teachers involved in promoting the benefits of FIT. I believe it would also increase awareness and interest in FIT.

FIT provided Ian Hopkins with a focused path for his future in IT. It helped in his acceptance into the program because he had completed the requirements for FIT. FIT provided Ian Hopkins with a focused path for his future in IT. It helped in his acceptance into the program because he had completed the requirements for FIT.

Where would you like to see ICT in the future?
I would like to see it integrated throughout the academic curriculum. I feel it is integral to the future success of our students.

Why do you think ICT is education is beneficial for Canadian industries?
So many careers today require people to have computer skills. Our industries are constantly becoming more and more technologically advanced, so we need to provide our students with the necessary skills.

How do you promote the FIT program to prospective students?
I like to show my students the video “Shift Happens”, as it really hits home about how much ICT has changed our society. I invite guest speakers to my classes who present information to the students about the importance and demand for qualified workers in the IT industry. Also, I reiterate often the benefits of the FIT program.

Memorable Quote:
“Change is constant and society is evolving… we need to equip our students with the technological skills to attain future success!”