These opportunities require a partnership involving the school, the parents or guardians, the student and the employing organization. Each partner shares the responsibility for student growth and learning.
Using the expertise, talent and resources of community service organizations and agencies, and of business, industry, citizen groups and parents or guardians, schools can enrich the educational experiences of students.
Regardless of the model used, a well-planned program will involve the community in such a way that out-of-school experiences reinforce, extend and motivate student learning.
Each provincial ministry of education uses a set of planned educational experiences designed to let students gain work-related knowledge, skills and attitudes by participating in out-of-class study, observation and/or performance in community-based work. In some situations, this may involve volunteer activities rather than paid employment.
The FIT program encourages these types of experiences and credits students who meet the work experience provincial guidelines by awarding the Work Experience seal on their FIT certificate.
Note: As Education policies and guidelines fall under provincial ministries of education and jurisdiction, each school authority must ensure that all staff adhere to the procedures and guidelines as defined and delineated in each province.
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