Women in ICT
Meet Anastasia Goodstein.

Occupation: Chief Program Officer
Employer: DoSomething.org
Memorable Quote: “Avoid a traditional career path, follow your passion and start something of your own.”
Author, teen advocate, media-guru and business leader Anastasia Goodstein sheds light on her exciting career and why ICT is important for any career.
What is your current job title and what day-to-day activities does this job entail?
My current job title is Chief Program Officer at the Crisis Text Line, an independent subsidiary of DoSomething.org. My role is to work with our advisers and partners in the youth mental health space to make the vision for a national texting hotline for teens a reality – and more importantly something teens use and love. I spend most of my time communicating – in person, on the phone and via email.
What is your educational background (if any)?
I majored in journalism and women’s studies at Antioch College and completed an MSJ at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism with a concentration in new media in 1999.
What experiences led you to your current position?
I have spent most of my career working in media either for, by or about teenagers including having founded my own youth culture/trends company, Ypulse, in 2004. I merged Ypulse with a youth market research firm in 2008 and wanted to do something that would help teens directly. I joined the Inspire USA Foundation and managed all of the digital programs and outreach for its youth mental health site ReachOut.com. After relocating from San Francisco to the NYC area to be closer to family, I am currently helping Nancy Lublin, CEO of DoSomething.org to launch a national Crisis Text Line.
What was the most defining moment of your career?
Publishing my book, Totally Wired: What Teens & Tweens Are Really Doing Online in 2007.
What do you find most rewarding about your job?
Knowing that what we are attempting to build will save lives.
What skills are most important for your role?
Diplomacy, tenacity, strong verbal and written communication skills, experience working in the youth mental health space, a general knowledge of technology and understanding of the mobile space.
There is a common misconception that ICT is boring; can you give us an example why your job is NOT boring.
Using technology to save lives is the furthest thing from boring I can imagine.
Why do you think women are poorly represented in ICT jobs?
Stereotypical gender roles, internalizing that girls are bad at math/science/tech and avoiding that career path.
Why do you think girls should learn ICT skills?
We are living in a technological age – almost every job will require them at some level and they are essential for most well-paying jobs.
Can you list ‘5’ ICT jobs that you think our readers would love.
- Data Analyst – applying data to make products better, customers happier and to the world’s biggest challenges
- Information Architect – creating websites that make sense and are easy to navigate.
- Web designer – creating websites that are also elegant and visually exciting.
- Product manager – working with designers, developers/engineers and other key stakeholders launch new products.
- Developer – writing the code that makes things work!
If our readers wanted to pursue a career like yours, what advice/resources would you recommend to them?
Avoid a traditional career path, follow your passion and start something of your own.
If you could conjure up one quote to inspire young women, what would it be?
“The question is not how to survive, but how to thrive with passion, compassion, humor and style.” – Maya Angelou